Abdominoplasty and cosmetic plastic surgery scars
Even the most necessary and effective surgical procedures can lead to the development of an ugly scar. A certain degree of scarring in inevitable. Moreover, the surgeon's skill level often doesn't even matter, some patients just have easily scarring skin.

Sometimes we start treating a scar by stabilizing the keloid. In this case, we first perform a series of combined laser procedures to "calm" the scar process, and then proceed to tissue restructuring. The photo shows the result of the first stage: the scar has become flat, now it can be "erased".

Complex procedure for stretch marks and abdominoplasty scars, usually requires five to seven procedures
Fresh surgical scar. Two minor combined laser procedures based on Dr Uskov's protocol. The sooner we start, the better the outcome
Fresh surgical scar. 5 minor combined laser procedures based on Dr Uskov's protocol. The sooner we start, the better the outcome
Fresh surgical scar. Two minor combined laser procedures based on Dr Uskov's protocol. The sooner we start, the better the outcome
Abdominoplasty with stretch marks. Here, we have completed a treatment course
You can find more information about surgical scars here